quota - meaning and definition. What is quota
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What (who) is quota - definition

(V. "cota")
sf (lat quota) V cota1.
Quota de mercado         
thumb|right|Exemplo de uma representação da quota de mercado, num gráfico de setor. Nesse caso o produto A, B e C dominam juntos o mercado, sendo que o A possui a maior fatia do mercado.
Examples of use of quota
1. She had dismissed as ‘personal views’ Swaraj’s earlier assertion that the party was not in favour of quota within quota.
2. They cannot refer every file they would wish". He pointed out that the doctors employed by Schlumberger on behalf of DWP "work off a quota and once they fulfil their quota, it is held over for the next month‘s quota.
3. Khelil said that quota in effect meant that member countries had agreed to cut back 520,000 barrels a day in production over the established quota.
4. As well as the expired five–year platinum quota, Norilsk has a 10–year quota to export palladium that expires in 2008.
5. The Eskimos‘ quota of 41 bowhead whales a year has helped tie Washington‘s hands to some extent because it needs Japanese support for the quota to be approved.